The Ultimate Guide to eBay Shopping (Auctions)
I'm a massive fan of buying things on eBay and have built up quite a collection of my 'eBay bargains'. The two smock dresses from ASOS above were £7 each...that Motel skirt was a mere £2.50! Of course that's just a fraction of what I've bought from eBay! If you look hard enough, you can really find some amazing bargains that can give sales a run for their money - even for brands like Motel Rocks, Topshop, Missguided or Zara. Many assume that eBay equates to second-hand pre-worn items but that is definitely not the case! Some items listed are either brand new, or brand new without tags. Of course, with buying things online, it comes with a few risks. Since I've been buying things on eBay for quite a few years now, I thought I would share my top tips to make your eBay shopping an amazing experience...
Finding the item you want
1. Tailor your search to you
If you've got something specific in mind, don't make your search vague. I always narrow down my search by using the sidebar on the left and only selecting my desired size and sometimes even brand. Of course, you can go crazy and specify the length, colour and even sleeve type! If you're a size 8, you're wasting your time going through pages and pages of items that are a size 12. But when I am browsing eBay just for the sake of it (very bad habit by the way), I tend to keep my search quite broad and maybe only typing in 'asos petite' or 'motel rocks dress' in case I want to explore my options. But, I ALWAYS specify my size.
2. Specify your budget
I always go for the cheaper alternative and eBay caters to that. You can enter in your minimum and maximum budget to see items in that price range, but what I always do is, on the top bar, instead of Sort: Best Match, I opt for Price + P&P: Lowest First. That way, I know when my limit is reached.
3. Feedback. Feedback. Feedback.
I can't stress this enough. Always check the seller's feedback - it's there for a reason! If a seller's positive feedback is less than 95%, I often read through the reviews. If it's the odd one negative or neutral review, depending on what it is, I usually dismiss it and bid anyway. But if there's 3 or more negative feedback...steer clear - how good the item is, or how low the price. You might end up regretting it.
Even greater deals?
4. Check the seller's other items
Usually, when a seller lists one item, it's because they're having a huge clear out so chances are, they will have listed other items too! Some sellers will be very happy to combine postage costs if you win the bid so if the postage is reasonable, I always check out the seller's other items to see if anything else catches my eye
5. Buy out of season
This one is a no brainer and I think this applies to both eBay and other brands as well. Chances are, people usually clear out their closet after each season. So if you want a winter coat, wait till spring or summer. More people will be listing and less people will be searching for that item, leading to lower prices - it's a win-win situation!
It's Auction Time
6. You snooze, you lose
Yes, even for good ol' eBay. Add the item to your 'watch list' and set a reminder for a few minutes before the auction ends. That way, you're sure not to miss it!
7. Be a ninja
I would recommend bidding within the last few minutes because bidding wayyy earlier on just increases the price unnecessarily. When bidding at the last minute, enter in the absolute maximum price that you are willing to pay and cross your fingers. That way, not only will you not get carried away and bid higher than you original wanted (yes, I've been in that position before...the time pressure gets to you...) but even if you don't win the auction, you know you're within budget.
I hope I've made perusing the web pages of eBay less daunting! Are you an avid eBay shopper?
P.S: I would like to mention that I will be jumping off a plane at the end of June in order to raise money for Dementia UK - a charity that helps support those that are affected by this progressive disease as well as their loved ones during this emotional journey. My target is £395 and would love it if you guys could support me and donate! No matter how big/small the amount, all will be greatly appreciated. You can find out more & donate HERE