Monday, 29 July 2013


As you can probably tell from the post title with CAPS and repetitive exclamation marks, I am quite excited about this.

This little gift came as a surprise. A big, awesome surprise. Remember how I wrote about it in THIS post? And how I've always wanted one? Well apparently, the boyfriend does scroll through my blog sometimes and came across that post. So for our 2 years and 5 months, he got me one! Wheeeeee! It was probably the most amazing surprise ever.  (Thanks brah!)

How gorgeous is that?! I think it comes in pink, blue and white... but he knew I liked my pinks ;)
It's more modernized (clearly) than those vintage polaroid cameras but hey, I ain't complaining - this one is awesome.

The flash is super duper bright when you take a photo - mark my words

The little screen on the top right is what you use to look through. There's no screen (like most polaroid cameras) so if you wish to take selfies, aim it at yourself, take a shot and pray it turns out well :P
I guess that's all part of the fun (:

It has different settings for different locations. I think it affects the brightness of the flash so the picture won't turn out too bright or dark (:

The slot where the film comes out

My first few shots - the boyfriend himself and my two sisters 

L-R: I think he looks professional there; A little bit too much exposure...; Skyline view of Ho Chi Mi

Somehow, pictures always look better in polaroid form and how awesome did these turn out! It's like an automatic filter :D
When the film first comes out, it's blank. But the picture will slowly appear before your very eyes and that is possibly the best part of the whole thing.
I love this camera sooooo much - if you can't already tell. I think it's going to be my new baby, it's precious & I'm going to have so much fun with it, heheh ;)
To the boyfriend:

Do you have a polaroid camera? 
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