Hosting a party could be daunting, but very rewarding if it's a huge success! Here's a few tips that I feel makes a great party (:
1. Think of a theme
Themed parties make things a little more interesting and are easier to plan! You can match the decor, food and music to the theme, get your guests to dress up accordingly and bring something theme related and even play theme-orientated games! A make-shift Quidditch game for die-hard Harry Potter fans (meeee!) anyone?
The theme can be virtually anything. Your favourite series, movie/tv show, an event e.g The Oscars, Cirque du Soleil... or even more generic themes like under the sea, all things french, hearts or the colour orange. Come on, you must've attended a themed prom!
Last Halloween, my friend threw a 7 deadly sin party which was genius! We had to come dress up as one of the 'sin' and she a different section of her house representing different 'sins' with corresponding food! It was so much fun!
Here are some of my favourite themes:
Harry Potter - cause I'm a huge fan
Images from Pinterest |
Tea Party
Luau Party
Images from various places on the Internet |
2. Plan ahead
It's wise to keep a checklist of everything that needs to be done in time for the party to because you want to avoid last minute rushes and sudden changes! Some things such as booking the caterer, sending out invites may need to be weeks in advance whilst others like preparing the food, setting up decor or buying groceries can take from hours to days. So prepare a list with the 'deadline' next to it and actually stick with it!
3. DJ it up
Set up a playlist depending on the type and possibly theme of the party. More upbeat, festive music for a normal get together kind-of party and maybe more mellow tunes for dinner. Also observe the age range and tastes/preference of your guest and adjust the music volume according to the sound level. No one wants to be shouting over background music!
You can even go with your chosen theme and choose songs based around them (:
4. Have fun.
As cheesy as it sounds, have fun. YOU (the host/hostess) set the mood. So if you're having a good time, your vibe will give off and everyone will too - it's like follow the leader (:
Just to end off - me having a bit of fun. I promise you I'm normally sane and do act my age :D
Hope you guys enjoyed the tips and have fun throwing your parties - do not forget a camera to take pictures to commemorate those memoriessss (:
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